Sunday, September 6, 2009

Why we NEED Gov't-Run, Universal, Socialized Healthcare Insurance

Everyone is asking -- and now, finally, there's a basic, no-frills, explanation of why we do NEED Gov't-Run, Universal, Socialized Healthcare Insurance:

Why Gov't-Run, Universal Healthcare Insurance is Necessary

This should unequivocally put an end to the dispute ... or does it?

Why Gov't-Run, Universal Healthcare Insurance is NOT Necessary

-Mr. Gray

About the Author

Mr. Gray is a retired independent author. He is writes about Health Care reform, Politics, and a variety of other Current event topics which are relevant to the evolving times of the 21st Century.

1 comment:

  1. I like the way you compare each side of the argument. Nicely Done!

    Perhaps you might next consider a similar post, demonstrating the following important message: "There can be no Cost-Savings in Health Care without Tort Reform"? This would produce a hot debate!


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